Monday, November 12, 2012

Chapter 22 ( Family )

November 12th- Dani Marie Martin is stinking 7 months old today!!! This is amazing. Time has passed so quickly.

I have so much to update you on. She is able to STAND up while holding on to her crib, couch, etc. Is that not awesome? This girl has such a spirit of determination. She is flipping over, laughing constantly, and loves to be tickled. She is such a happy lady.
She is also becoming quite the butterball. Don't take my word for it.... ( She will kill me for this when she is a teenager....I can't resist though, so cute! )

You can't help but smile when you look at that!!!

We went for a check-up with the nutritionist last week. This is how it went.......

The waiting room was busy and full of screaming babies, kids crying, and impatient parents. They called us back to the lab for measurements. We went back out, waited, and were called back. The nutritionist said, " Well my plan was to get you in and out quickly, but as I look at this growth's interesting. It's almost completely vertical. That means Dani Marie is completely on track  for catching up in weight. She is just a little....well, a little on the short side. "
She then looked up at me pacing and said, " How tall are you? You are rather tall..." To which I chuckled and replied, " Well, I'm 5'9 but that's really neither here nor there, she is adopted." We both had a good laugh. I asked if there was anything to be concerned about. She assured me that everything was fine, but sweet Dani might be only 5'2 or 5'3. These are just estimates and who knows what she will end up looking like, but for now we can't help but smile.

Daniel and I both have dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and are very tall. We have the sweetest short, blond haired ( more like peach fuzz ), blue eyed baby. She may not look a thing like us, but she fits perfectly.

She even loves sports! Check her out, watching the basketball game with Daddy.

Who says you have to be tall to play basketball? Short, fast, future point guard in the making! :)
One of my favorite quotes:
Family isn't about sharing the same genetics, Thats being related, Family is when you love someone to death, and You would do anything for them, You trust them, Take care of them, And in Return they do the same. Its the type of bond you hold together.

I want to ask for help from my blog "family".
I'm writing this blog tonight with a heavy but hopeful heart. One of my dearest friends and a huge part of Dani Marie's life is carrying a heavy burden. Her sister was recently involved in a horrific accident and is currently suffering from traumatic injuries. She needs your prayer. I know firsthand how powerful and healing the prayers of this group can be. I'm asking you to go to the Lord on behalf of Christy and her sister Cheryl. She showed some response today. This is wonderful, but she still needs your prayers.  God has shown our family what mighty, perfect power He has. Please take time to lift this family up in prayer.

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. " Romans 12:12

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