Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Chapter 23 ( Deck the Halls!!!!)

Chapter 23 ( Deck the Halls )

Luke 2:14 “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”
Wow...... The past 7 months have been an exciting whirlwind. Time passes so quickly. It seems like we just celebrated the 4th of July with our little Firecracker. Sometimes though, certain things happen and it causes my world to stand still. I am reminded of just what exactly this wonderful miracle girl has done for us.

I love Christmas! I always have. Carols, red sweaters, candy canes, egg nog, manger scenes, Santa Claus, every bit of Christmas always filled me with joy. Our first few Christmas seasons as a married couple were bearable, even at times fun. The thing about Christmas is that it falls right at the end of the year. Christmas breaks also mark the start of a New Year. For Daniel and I, for the last few years this has served as a reminder of just how long we longed for a child. For years, I would look with hope filled eyes at the Baby's First Christmas stockings and ornaments. I told myself, " Next year, by next Christmas we will have a little someone to celebrate with." In time, all the things of Christmas just became a reminder of how quiet our house was on Christmas morning. We did the best we could. We bought presents for nieces and our nephew, we pretended to be Santa for our parents, we even sat together and exchanged gifts each year by the tree. I just remember Last December, as I mentioned in an earlier blog, was honestly the lowest point of my life. I remember putting the decorations away into their boxes with hot tears streaming down my face. I distinctly remember throwing the " O " from our stocking holder set into a big box in anger. You see, I always thought it cruel, the cute little letters that you can buy to hang your stockings from, well you can get HOPE, PEACE, or JOY. I purchased JOY the first year we were married. I planned to have a stocking to hang from the third letter soon. 7 Christmas seasons later, Daniel's stocking hung from the "J", mine from the "Y", and there in the middle an obviously empty "O". I was packing away the tinsel and the stockings. I stared at that "O" and I cried. I cried angry tears. Tears that were mad, jealous, and bitter. I looked at the large manger scene on our mantle almost in spite. I had let the "JOY" of the true meaning of Christmas become clouded by my own selfish desires to have a baby when I wanted one.

I had almost forgotten this incident, until this week. I was eager to get our Christmas decorations. I placed Dani Marie in her bouncy seat and I began to turn our house into a Christmas wonderland. I reached into box after box and pulled out decorations. I reached into the last box and there it was. The "O". I immediately went back to that moment a year ago. The last moment my hand had touched it. My eyes immediately went to the manger scene I had just put out on display. I stared at the perfect portrait of God's precious love, and for the first time in years, I felt Christmas. I felt it in my heart. Not the red sweaters, or Santa Claus, or the decorations, but true Christmas. God's love for us. His gift. It reminded me of another precious gift I had been given. I took out the "J", I hung Daniel's stocking. I tearfully hung my own from the "Y". Then I held that " O " . I held it and I cried. I placed it on the mantle. I looked over at the most beautiful face, and I cried. I talked to her like she could understand. I told her, " Dani Marie, you have saved me. You are our "O". It had to be you, it had to be now! I understand. Any other way, and we wouldn't know "JOY". She laughed!!! She laughed and she laughed. I glanced back at the manger, and I thanked God for reminding me the true meaning of Christmas.

JOY to the WORLD, the KING has COME!!!!!

Love you!

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