Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Chapter 7 ( My Diaper Bag Moment!)

We are having a fantastic week! I hope you are as well. I have taken leave from work, and I am sure enjoying the extra moments with my little lady. I think that extra time is agreeing with her pretty well since she is now tipping the scales at a hefty 2 lbs. 14.2 ounces! You may not believe this but we are actually getting the cutest little round cheeks you could ever imagine. Well, don't take my word for it........

I know right??? I could stare at her picture all day, but then I wouldn't get the blog finished......
Moving on,

We have our eye exam today! Thanks to all our friends, family, and readers we feel like she will be plenty prayed up. Thank you so much!

I have to share a moment that made this whole wonderful ordeal really hit home for me. A sweet friend had given me a gift certificate to a cute local boutique that specializes in children's items. One of those awesome cute little stores that I used to only shop in for my nieces. I decided I would use it to get a diaper bag. I walk in look around, pick out a bag, second guess it for 15 minutes, look at another, then go back to the one I originally fell in love with, and finally make up my mind that I am getting it. So, as I'm standing in line about to check out, it dawns on me. Ashlee Martin, here you stand in line buying a diaper bag, A DIAPER BAG! It isn't for your sister, nor your best friend, it isn't for someone at church's shower, it is for YOUR DAUGHTER! It all hit me like a ton of bricks! Don't ask me why it took a diaper bag, to make it all click in my mind and me fully understand how much this past month has changed my mind. I have no clue, but I know after I paid for the diaper bag and drove away my heart smiled. I guess the diaper bag just made it hit home for me that very soon we would actually get to bring our miracle home and she would need diapers, wipes, and the 100 other things moms seem to get to fit in that bag.

Tears, ( I know it's a wonder I'm not dehydrated yet, right? ) Tears, the happy kind, the best kind started falling. I drove to my mother's house and I showed her the diaper bag and we both just stopped a second and really soaked in the moment.

God is so good! I'm so thankful this week for your prayers, our progress, and a diaper bag!
Love you!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ashlee. My parents know your husband's parents and my mom forwarded your blog to me so that I could hear your story and pray for your family and that precious little miracle. My husband and I also struggled with infertility so I can relate to all of your heartache. And when we'd given up God blessed us with a completely unexpected pregancy and the prize was a healthy, happy baby girl. Love like we'd never known. Your diaper bag story really hit home for me. I'll keep praying for your tiny little miracle. P.S. I am pregnant with my second miracle. God is good. And funny sometimes too. :)
