Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Chapter 14 ( Our Chosen Child )

I have so much to tell you all! This has been a very hectic and exciting week. We celebrated Dani Marie's 2 month birthday yesterday. 2 months, already!!! We are now only 1 month away from our "due date". Hard to believe as far as we have come, we still aren't technically scheduled to arrive in the world for another month. Life is going fantastically!

We are getting settled into a normal routine.......Let's be honest scratch that, we have no routine! We are just getting settled into our new normal which is flying by the seat of our brand new parenting pants and learning as we go. You know babies should come with a manual, well they do, but the problem is all the "What to expect, Baby Wise, etc." books contradict each other. We are learning.....but it is a process.

We went for our first "regular" doctor visit. Dr. Baldwin bragged on us! He thinks we are doing amazingly well. All the prayers have worked wonders on our baby girl. She weighs almost 6 pounds!!! 6 pounds!!!!  We have come a long way from 2 pounds. She is eating about 3 oz. at every feeding. We are so proud of her!

I was sitting in her nursery this morning rocking her, and I reflected on the last few months. My life has changed so much, and I have come so far in that short time. I think about and pray for all the people who have reached out to us. Since I started writing this blog to tell Dani's story, literally hundreds of people have shared their struggles, joys, and trials with us. Some of the stories are happy ones with fairytale endings, some are sad stories of loss and heartache, and some are just people looking for hope. These stories have all touched me in so many ways. They humble us, and remind us how blessed we are to have our story to share.

My heart has been burdened for some of you who have shared testimonies about feeling hopeless after losing a child or just longing to hold one. I don't have any magic words of wisdom to make your pain better, but I hope you will find comfort in Dani Marie. She is proof to us all that God still is in the miracle business. That reminds me of something that happened a few weeks ago.....

I was sitting beside Dani Marie's crib in the NICU. It had been a long day, and I was enjoying the company of my sweet baby girl. The shift change took place, and the new nurse came into the room. She started to tear up right away. She told me that she had wanted to meet me. Me? Why I asked. She went on to explain that she was a floater and worked all over the hospital. She told me she had been in the delivery room the day Dani Marie was born. She told me it was amazing. I asked her to please share more details if she could. I knew some of the details of Dani's birth, but there were holes in the story. She went on to tell me that they had worried about Dani because they weren't sure how far along her birth mother was and she was also born fully breech. Things happened fast and there was no time or way to turn her. The nurse told me it was almost like someone was guiding Dani Marie, and telling her exactly what she had to do to come out and make it just fine. That is exactly what she did. She tucked her head tightly into her chin and arrived. We both cried as we talked about all the victories Dani Marie has won since that very first day. I know that the "someone" who safely guided her into this world, is the same "someone" who has held his hands around her since her arrival. God has brought this tiny lady so far. Over the last 8 weeks, God and Dani Marie have teamed up to show us that there is no stopping the hand of the Lord when he wants something to work.

Ok, so funny story......

Daniel and I are changing Dani Marie into 1 of her 1,000 cute outfits the other day. This particular pink and white polka-dot sleeper she had worn a few times. Daniel goes to put her leg in, and the leg won't bend. Our first thought was, "Oh, no! Her leg! Something is wrong with her leg. " Upon further investigation, it turns out her leg was just too long! She had OUTGROWN the outfit!!! We laughed and tossed the sleeper aside for my nieces to use as a new baby doll outfit.

Love you all!
Keep you posted!

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