Monday, June 4, 2012

Chapter 13 ( Home is Where our Heart is )

Well...... This is the blog I have been anxiously awaiting. When I first wrote Chapter 1, I could only hope for and imagine what  I would get to say in later months about the day that has finally arrived.
I told you in Chapter 12 that we would probably bring her home this week, but we actually got to bring her home a little early. The past 7 1/2 weeks have come and gone quickly in a way, but have also dragged on in another sense. I have started writing this blog post many times, but I've been uncharacteristically at a loss for words. The one post I thought I would have so much to say about, has left me speechless for days.

I just keep staring at my precious tiny daughter, and my heart just swells with joy. All I can think of is...
"Be still and KNOW that I am God." This moment, this weekend, I have dreamed of it so many times, but it always seemed unattainable and just out of reach. God brought us to this moment, this moment of being able to type this blog from my home computer while watching a miracle sleep in her bassinet beside me. I'm so overwhelmed with emotion, but my mind and heart keep replaying everything that has happened. I know you are celebrating with us, and we can never thank you all enough for the prayers you have sent up on our daughter's behalf.

Several dates and days are forever imprinted on my heart. April 12th, in the morning hours our daughter was born. We didn't even know at that time, how much our lives were going to change. That night I got the call that we might possibly be chosen to be her parents. The next day on April 13th, I met with the bravest woman I have ever known. Dani's birth mother, I looked in to the eyes and held the hand of that sweet girl. I knew she had given us a remarkable gift, but it is now after nearly 2 months of falling further in love with Dani every day that I truly realize what a sacrifice she was making. A few hours after that meeting, I walked into a NICU hospital room, and I might as well of handed my heart to a tiny 2lb. baby girl. From that moment to this one, every thought I have has been consumed with her presence in our lives. On April 15th, we had our first GOTCHA Day, a day we will celebrate every year. The day that we  Got Dani Marie. The day that she legally was signed over into our care. We were already in love, we already belonged to her, but on that day we knew that she was officially ours.
Friday, June 1st, a day that my wildest dreams could not do justice. This was the day we walked into our house with our baby daughter, Dani Marie. Years of prayer, tears, hopes, fears, and emotions led us to that moment. I wanted to immediately write and tell you all about it, but I sat quietly and over and over in my mind I thought, "Be still and KNOW that I am God." Only God, could bring us to this. I fought him for years, I wanted to MAKE it happen, I wouldn't accept "No" for an answer. God never told me "No", even though that is what I thought I heard.  He told me "Wait." I'm so glad He did. She was more than worth the wait.

I can't wait for all our friends and family to see her. She is still not "due" to be in the world for another month. We have to be very careful with her since she is still so small. The doctors and nurses have advised us to try to mimic the hospital environment as much as possible. We limit visitors, and we will not be taking her out for quite some time. We are anxious to show her off, but we will have to wait a little longer. Please continue to pray for her as she makes this transition. I will keep you updated and post lots of pictures, (surprise, surprise :) )

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